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Holding Hands


The Ontario Brain Injury Association enhances the lives of Ontarians living with the effects of brain injury through education, awareness and support.

Brain Injury Community Re-entry (Niagara) Inc. provides support services and rehabilitation to individuals living with the effects of an acquired brain injury.

Brain Injury Canada is a national charitable organization focused on education, awareness, and advocacy for the brain injury community

Head Injury Rehabilitation Ontario provides evidence-based, client and family-centered ABI rehabilitation care in the community.

Strengthening communities by bringing people and services together.

The first resource in Ontario that aims to decrease common barriers that become present for persons with brain injury when faced with legal matters.

Quest focuses on the health and wellbeing of individuals, providing comprehensive services for every aspect of life – physical, mental, emotional and social.

Parachute is Canada's national charity dedicated to injury prevention.

Are you located outside of St. Catharines or the Niagara region?
Connect with your local brain injury association for support. 

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300 Bunting Road, Unit 4, St. Catharines, Ontario Canada L2M 7X3 | 905-646-2426 |

©2023 Brain Injury Association of Niagara, All Rights Reserved.

Our charitable registration number is 118954833 RR0001.

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