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BIAN Clubhouse Member

The Clubhouse helps me have empowerment over my own life.

BIAN Clubhouse Member

At the Clubhouse I have the support I need to build my skills and gain experience.


My introduction to BIAN in 2006 has been of great benefit to me (and I hope to BIAN as well) as I realized I was not alone or isolated due to my ABI. I realized that there was still an opportunity to contribute in many ways and that through BIAN and related associations I was well supported. I was exposed to persons with similar issues and in my regular meetings and associations with all aspects of ABI support I felt I was able to overcome a lot of the pitfalls associated with ABI. BIAN staff and ABI associates made my ABI more tolerable and assisted me in getting back on my hat is off to you!


I am grateful for the assistance and support received from BIAN staff with my application for Disability Tax Credit, and as a result this provided me with some additional funds that I would not have had access to otherwise, nor was my family aware of this credit. I also appreciate being able to access the YMCA via BIAN as this has been most beneficial for my overall health and well being. I would not have been able to afford this without the special rate extended to BIAN participants. I am most appreciative to BIAN staff who I have found to be friendly, and available to answer my questions when needed, and I hope that BIAN staff continue to do the excellent work on behalf of the association.


I acquired a brain injury in 1992 and started attending peer groups in about 1995 with what was the Head Injury of Niagara (now known as Brain Injury Association of Niagara and/or BIAN). It took me a while to accept my injury but I ended up by 'feeding' off the other injured people such that now I feel I am 'cured'. Actually, I learned that I was able to accept my limitations and live within those parameters. Without BIAN I do not wish to wonder where I would be. I am so happy to live a 'normal' life.

Mary Lou

Since 1994 I have been with B.I.A.N., their very special staff and dedicated Board members. I have had the opportunity to make some very special friends, who supported me and my family through the most difficult times (we attended the "Family Support" groups together), I have support groups to attend "Friends Helping Friends" and for the more experienced, "Moving Ahead with Brain Injury" group where I can help and support or get help and support from other survivors; made me feel special by encouraging me to join in the group activities - art classes, writing classes for our book "Winds of Change" - which really meant a lot to everyone who shared their story. Recently I have become more active in the agency through being on the board of FHF and being the rep for the BIAN on the Ontario Advisory Council in association with OBIA and the brain injury associations across Ontario.

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300 Bunting Road, Unit 4, St. Catharines, Ontario Canada L2M 7X3 | 905-646-2426 |

©2023 Brain Injury Association of Niagara, All Rights Reserved.

Our charitable registration number is 118954833 RR0001.

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